This year the teaching team includes

Mrs Hudson Mrs Regan Mrs Sharkey Mrs Kelly Miss Smith PE Coach
David Wise


Our day begins at 8.50am. We always start the day with a chilled morning task such as reading, Lego construction or mindfulness colouring. We also like to have a lovely chat each morning and check in on our feelings.


Registration is at 9.00am prompt and we are very proud of excellent attendance.


After registration we split into teams for the teaching of Read, Write Inc and stay with that group until play time. We even have story time in our RWI groups.


Then it is time for play. We like to go outside in all weathers so please dress for the season.


After play time we teach Maths and like to engage in lots of practical activities to help you grasp number skill.


Lunch time takes place in the school hall and our school cook and dinner ladies make sure it is a relaxing time for all. After lunch we enjoy a second play time with friends.


In the afternoons we teach Science, PE, History/Geography, RE, SMSC and British Values, ICT, Art and Design, Music and Mindfulness. We are always very busy!


Our school day ends at 15.00.



In our class we follow the Golden Rules and have a sunshine and cloud system to help us manage our behaviour. When we reach Friday, we have special Golden Time to celebrate success. We even have special snack!




Each child in our class has a Speed Sounds book to practice their phonics at home.


Purple Mash login cards go home to allow access to the programme outside of our school day.


We also have class login access for Oxford Owl to use at home.


Our login details are:



Snack money is £1 per week and covers the cost of Special Snack, milk and cookery ingredients.


PE days

Our class PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days please remember to come to school in PE kit and remove earrings.



NHS Optometrist Letter


PE with Coach David

PE with Mrs Sharkey